A Crack Addict's Prayer


A Crack Addict's Prayer

Dear God:
Please take away the taste of crack
Take it away and don't let it come back
I'm tired of stealing, lying & cheating
I'm tired of taking all those beatings
From my mate who's alwayshigh
Sometimes Lord, I want to die
Help me to say I don't want "No More"
Before I have another run in with the law
My children are hungry and I'm on my knees
Begging you Father to hear my pleas
Take away my need for that little bag
Before it has us dressing in rags
I ask you Fatherto do this for me
Take away the taste and set me free!!

Dedicated: To All those who are still struggling with this disease

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SILKYTWEED commented on A Crack Addict's Prayer


Magnificent Write....and very, very real talk my dear.....the struggles of addiction are never pretty, but somehow this plead contains hidden beauty....thanks for sharing!

optimistic commented on A Crack Addict's Prayer


I'm in a predictament where I really need the lords help yet I fight back and forth, with inner emotions on things of my past as well. Just keep writing and the want and need of this all God will take away from you.

sweetb61 commented on A Crack Addict's Prayer


God Bless, I feel your pain over 20 yrs. ago, I was down on my knees, God, not only did God, set me free..he gave my life back too me.

kdavidscott1 commented on A Crack Addict's Prayer


May God hear your plea for the Crack Addict's Prayer.. Much love, KD P.S. You can check out my book and comment on it after reviewing the previews at www.lulu.com/thebookcastle1 click on the title of the book in the center of the page to go to the previews.



Thanks for caring, i thank God for delivering me from this Disease and i try to keep others encouraged.

alreedus commented on A Crack Addict's Prayer


So beautifully said. God listens and God responds.



I thank you for taking time to read and comment, I love your work!!

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

EbonyQueen48’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A Crack Addict's Prayer 5
Getting Buck Wild 3
Lord, Save The Children 1
The Willie Lynch Syndrome 4
History Lesson 8
Loving Me.....Finall
Suicidal Rampage 2
Finding Me...... 4
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