History Lesson


  • Anger

    History Lesson

    Bodies hanging from trees in the south
    Was it because a blackman opened his mouth?
    To protest a deal that wasn't right
    Our ancestors endured a horrible plight
    Being strapped to a horse, bodies ripped apart
    We are a peaceful people, we have alot of heart
    Some people sit around and accept anything
    While others get out and protest everything
    This is the era that I am from
    I will continue to seek justice until my life is done
    What is the biggest crime that our people committed?
    Whiping there asses after their masters shitted
    Yeah, they treated them like animals, dogs and cats
    Check your history peple, this is all fact
    The Master made our women their bed maids
    Having a mixed baby was how they were paid
    Using our strong men for their scientific project
    our women were infected through unprotected sex
    now....Is the time to read up and learn
    Cause I'll keep on writing cause I am concerned
    I am a rebel and this I am confessing
    I hope you enjoyed this "History Lesson"

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    SILKYTWEED commented on History Lesson


    OHHH, THIS IS A BLISTERING WRITE....this is so tight, the truth brought to light burns like a severe sunburn....I love your style and energy on display and thanks again for reminding me of my history! Thanks

    optimistic commented on History Lesson


    Speak as the pain and hurt commited towards our race still exist today yet within ourselves can we portray ourselves as dffirent people, you are a rebel and confessing these words to catch everyones eye is great. Your words exist and they to will streghthen and open a whole populations eye, from east, west, north, and to the south. Write on.

    kdavidscott1 commented on History Lesson


    I posted this poem about you on my page since it wouldn't fit on the comment - so check it out on my page... Much love, KD

    kdavidscott1 commented on History Lesson


    To My Sister Ebony Queen Forty Eight Written By: David L Scott Again my sister your words speak truth, so those with ears can hear. Not sugar coated but straight to the point, you speak into their ears. I pray the readers will understand the work you're putting forth. Should be heard from the east to west, and up from the south to the north. Ebony Queen forty eight is a sister who puts it down, skillful with words of poetry to be heard from town to town. Her style has

    kdavidscott1 commented on History Lesson


    Again my sister you words speak truth, so those with ears can hear. Not sugar coated but straight to the point, you speak into their ear. I pray the readers will understand, the worker you're putting forth. Should be heard from the east to the west, and down from the south to the north. Ebony Queen forty eight is a sister who puts it down, skillful with words of poetry to be heard from town to town. Her stlye has class she's versatile, and her subjects has lots of flavor, be it a poem about

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    EbonyQueen48’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Crack Addict's Prayer 5
    Getting Buck Wild 3
    Lord, Save The Children 1
    The Willie Lynch Syndrome 4
    History Lesson 8
    Loving Me.....Finall
    Suicidal Rampage 2
    Finding Me...... 4
    Prison Songs 4