princess of the tribe


  • Other

    princess of the tribe

    Black woman
    Princess of the tribe
    Please describe
    How it feels to mother the flock
    Consisting of
    Black men children and brethren
    Beautiful head full of locks
    Princess of the tribe
    Please describe
    How it feels to defend the flock
    Consisting of
    Black men children and brethren
    Defending their honor
    Their rights
    Princess who fights their fights
    Princess who comforts and calms
    Expressing coaxing phrases such as
    “every thing gonna be alright”
    Princess of the tribe you are a nurturer
    The keeper of knowledge
    You spread wisdom to your kinfolk
    With sincere hope
    That they’d grow to be kings of the flock
    You are raising a nation
    Preparing them for the discrimination that they will be facing
    Princess of the tribe
    Please describe how you do this with heavy burdens
    Heart hurting
    But still you persevere
    Princess of the tribe you have demonstrated resilience
    And perseverance
    With the continuous momentum fueled by the hunger for freedom and equality
    In a secular society
    A society who has judged you right off of the back
    Giving you two strikes one for being a woman and one for being black
    You have overcome rape, prejudice and persecution
    Black woman you are not the problem
    You are the solution
    Princess of the tribe they have tried to defile you with fallacies telling you
    That you are good enough to nurse their babies but not good enough to drink from their cups
    Princess of the tribe
    You have shed light on false ideas of the corrupt
    Princess of the tribe you have started a boycott that lasted 381 days
    Walking millions of miles to bring us to where we now are today
    Princess of the tribe
    Please describe
    How you have carried these burdens
    Heart hurting
    But still you persevere
    Princess of the tribe Rosa Parks
    Princess of the tribe Angela Davis
    Princess of the tribe Sojourna Truth
    Princess of the tribe
    My grandmother
    My mother
    And the princess of the tribe
    Is now me

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    lovechild417 commented on princess of the tribe


    the way you write is amazing, beautiful and deep.



    Thank you I really appreciate it those kind words

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    HollyStar’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Spring 0
    A poem for sister Obama 0
    soul 0
    I walk 1
    He needs this 0
    Able and Cane 1
    princess of the tribe 1
    Devotions 0
    Does He Dream of me 0