

  • Lost Love



    Devotions to the mind to devise a way to eliminate the heart of its sundry sentiment
    The heart is the most treacherous
    Deceptions of it cloud my mental
    Extinguish heart felt anguish is my aspiration
    I strive to hinder these feelings before they fester and grow
    I have decided to take this slow
    Just admitting this puts us in jeopardy
    Does this discourse dismay you
    Does it encourage you to run away from the possibility of a link between us two
    Could you put past relationships behind you and leave them
    So we can
    Elevate into future endeavors
    My desire is not to promote a hustle
    But I can’t wait for you to coincide with your former love
    There is a chance for reconciliation
    So I am not placing
    in this idea of love
    So you please continue to keep it real
    But don’t not let go of the past because you are afraid of the future
    Again my desire is not to promote a hustle
    I understand that there is no assurance that history won’t obscure our link
    But conscience decisions will prevent me from allowing delusions of the heart to cloud my mental

    A witness, much like that of Jehovah’s people because this is as spiritual
    Like that of scriptures
    This feeling reoccurs often and often although I try to suppress
    It is stronger than me and it rises to the surface
    I work this and beat it like a step child
    But it runs wild
    I beat it with bats and bats and whips
    Getting to the point that I want to murder it
    Whishing death upon these feelings
    Too deep
    I want them to cease to exist
    But they continue to be among my midst
    I say I witness this because it doesn’t feel like it is happening to me
    Much like that of an out of body experience
    Watching myself as I go through these series of events
    Without control
    I’m not in charge of my decisions
    I need to eliminate these ill visions
    Visions of us becoming born again
    A bond without sin
    Ill visions I proclaim
    Because it is preposterous
    You and I are not capable of such a task
    So feeling I continue to mask
    So we need to come to the realization
    Obtain true insight for paradise on earth
    I will fight
    Because it is worth it
    Don’t desert it
    Work for it
    Invest for it
    Pray for it
    Then nurture it like your child
    Stop those demons from running wild
    I’ll do this but I can’t be the only one putting forth the effort
    But for it I will work till exertion
    I can’t be the only one with this endeavor
    You must occur and obtain
    Some responsibility for self
    So we can be eternal in this union
    If not
    It is doomed then.

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    HollyStar’s Poems (9)

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