katmin’s Profile

  • Age: 61
  • Location: Fresno, CA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I lived in Europe for 9 years, and have recently returned to Fresno. I am a devout christian, and I have MS and Sjogren's Syndrome. So, many of my poems are about my struggles with my illness, and my spiritual struggels. I love animals, and I do alot of dog rescue, which I find very rewarding. I am having to learn to live in a different way, as my illness progresses. Poetry has been a way of self expression, and helps me to get the things out , since I was a small child. Thie pic above is me with my beautiful neice. I never had any children.
Some things that I truly love are, the beach, photography, reading good books, mostly biographies, knitting, meeting interesting people , learning about different cultures, and doing for others.


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ListninEar profile comment


Hi, I was checking out the forums and saw that you had posted a question, saying you hadn't heard much feedback on your poems and weren't sure if anyone was seeing them. I came by to take a look. Your bio is very interesting. I'm also a Christian and can't wait to read ur stuff!



Gosh, I have not come to this site in a very long time. Thank you for all your wonderful comments. Someone who can relate to my style. Actually, there is no style. I write what comes out, and I usually don't even thnk about it. I appreciate all your encouragemt. You are a "listiear":)

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

katmin’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Piper 4
Little girl 1
Life 1
The Abyss of Depression 1
Final Destination 0
Broken Marriage 1
Gemeinde Remchingen 0
Metamorphosis 0
I Love 2
Being Hurt 0
Ashley 0
Conversation with God 2
This Day in Germany 0
My Illness 0
I Love 0
My Conversation with God 0
Ashley 0
Being hurt 2
I Love 0
My illness 5
The past is gone 2
This Day in Germany 2