MarcusLane’s Profile

  • Age: 66
  • Location: Kent
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Public Profile URL:


I write from a crossroads in my life; recently separated after over 20 years of marriage, and with two sons who are reaching adulthood and finding their independence.

I face life with a mixture of optimism and hope for the opportunities and love it may bring, and with a sense of regret and sorrow for my own failings and missed opportunities.

I am unashamedly nostalgic. I was blessed with a happy and secure childhood, and although we undoubtedly live in exciting times, I fear for the world in which any future grandchildren of mine might be raised. The pace of life is frenetic; driven all too often by a hunger for bigger and better at any cost.

My religious beliefs couldn't be expressed more succinctly than by Thomas Hardy in his wonderfully evocative (and I think painful) poem "The Oxen".

I am a teacher of teenagers with emotional and behavioural difficulties, living on the coast of Kent in south-east England.


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I try to share it with others in the real world.

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I think that your poems are very well written. Keep up the good work!

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

MarcusLane’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I Fear the Way You Love Me 1
Re-delivered 1
Scars 3
Gutless 2
Hunter's Moon 0
Sanctuary Wood 1
Haiku in the Small Hours 0
On shakespeare Cliff, Dover 3
In a Flanders War Cemetery 1
Locking Up 1
Lost 2