LeeLee420xx’s Profile

I am strong Because I have been Weak I Am Beautiful Because I Know My Flaws,I Am Afraid because I have Been Fearless, I Can be a Fool because I Know The Meaning Of Being Wise. I am me and I am awsome!

  • Age: 44
  • Location: Byron, NY
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I want to know what the world thinks of what I write ,feel, think,love,hurt. I am a passionate person. With allot of ups and downs like anyone else. I just choose to outlet my ups and downs this way. Please feel free to read. And comment I want to know the good and bad. I just ask if you don't like something by all means tell me. But be nice. C-ya on the groovy side. Lee


Profile Comments

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GlennesEcho profile comment


How do I view your poem.

Thunda profile comment


Thanks for the link sweety like what i see and read so far keep it up with yer powerful words!

fallenangel74 profile comment


Great writing. Thanks for the add!

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

LeeLee420xx’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Rockin' 0
Just mean it 0
common factor 0
what once was 1
part of me 0
idealy 0
i will find away 0
rambles of a self proclaimed dreamer 0
hopeful proud tears 2
It's time 3
hoot 4
The stranger 3
life is learning 2
Riley 0
sometime 0
Elysia 1
But it can and it does 4
The Lotus 9
You will not prevail 2
A second thought and a quarter 11
Listen here! 0
*DEAL* 1
The Biker 1
to conform or not to conform 0
Taller then the doubt 1
waiting for sleep to find me 0
Are you serious 0
It's coming 1
Never alone 0
Is it ? 1
Key related 1