rambles of a self proclaimed dreamer


  • Life
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  • Passion
  • ,
  • Other
    • LeeLee420xx
    • I am strong Because I have been Weak I Am Beautiful Because I Know My Flaws,I Am Afraid because I have Been Fearless, I Can be a Fool because I Know The Meaning Of Being Wise. I am me and I am awsome!

    rambles of a self proclaimed dreamer

    She shutters the decisions she has made spin around her  like a angry twister. Questions with no answers. Statements with no meaning. A heart confused and alone. A soul Questioning her very existence. Do we walk away from this child of the world? Judge her ? put her down? You may I know you. You, the general populous. The better then tho self proclaimed winner. I know you all too well. Money drives you, greed is your witness. Love an illusion. I will hold her hug her, like people, people that have the heart and mind to see past themselves. Turn their eyes to the sky and love, feel , smell, taste everything they see. This is the reason, this is life.To hurt, to love, to lose. Beautiful, in every right. Where passion drives you and heart ache is your witness. Blue collar was made, life is born. No matter the path or where it may lead. Don't lose site of life. The greatness that it offers. The wonders that lie ahead. And know you are a part of it all. Part of the reason. Part of this world. And are beautiful, unforgettable, enchanting. Embrace it , like the fields of flowers embrace the sun. The whales embrace the ocean. Know you are part of something bigger something more then nine to five. That every moment you spend here is for a purpose, even if it's just to smile. Make others smile with you. To share comfort and hope.This is my sight, take it for what you will. It's just the rambles of a self proclaimed lover, dreamer, artist, friend.

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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    LeeLee420xx’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rockin' 0
    Just mean it 0
    common factor 0
    what once was 1
    part of me 0
    idealy 0
    i will find away 0
    rambles of a self proclaimed dreamer 0
    hopeful proud tears 2
    It's time 3
    hoot 4
    The stranger 3
    life is learning 2
    Riley 0
    sometime 0
    Elysia 1
    But it can and it does 4
    The Lotus 9
    You will not prevail 2
    A second thought and a quarter 11
    Listen here! 0
    *DEAL* 1
    The Biker 1
    to conform or not to conform 0
    Taller then the doubt 1
    waiting for sleep to find me 0
    Are you serious 0
    It's coming 1
    Never alone 0
    Is it ? 1
    Key related 1