A second thought and a quarter


  • Emotional
    • LeeLee420xx
    • I am strong Because I have been Weak I Am Beautiful Because I Know My Flaws,I Am Afraid because I have Been Fearless, I Can be a Fool because I Know The Meaning Of Being Wise. I am me and I am awsome!

    A second thought and a quarter

    Only 16 she sits alone.

    Out on the curb in front of a run down restaurant.

    Hungry and scared.

    Cold and confused.

    Where did she go wrong?

    How did she become used?

    Left forgotten by the one she had loved.

    Her body had never seen so many drugs.

    Home a memory.

    She wanted back.

    Alls she needs is a quarter for that.

    She sits and she thinks.

    They would take her back.

    She knows they love her more then that.

    Even as that stubborn girl.

    Who thinks she has the whole wide world.

    Figured out in 16 years.

    She has got allot to learn.

    So she looks up from her dirty guttered perch.

    To ask for the help That will pull her from this lurch.

    There is a man passing by.

    With a briefcase held close to his side.

    She asked loudly so he can hear.

    "Do you happen to have a quarter to spare?"

    He looks at her and says "Get a job!" and then keeps moving on.

    She gives up too tired to try the tears form in her eyes.

    She thinks of where she can go.

    To crash to hide.

    To be unknown.

    Then here he comes again.

    This man on the move.

    He leans down to her and says "Here I am sorry , Go home."

    Then away he goes again on the move.

    But what he left behind was a quarter.

    In her cold dirty hands it was almost heaven.

    She called her home , they came and got her.

    This man saved her life.

    With a second thought and a quarter.

    Poem Comments


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    ApaqRasgirl commented on A second thought and a quarter


    wow, that was a very heart wrenching story, and you told it so well your words painted the picture in my mind, and it flowed very smooth......great read dear. love asha



    thank you so much ...

    kdarcy commented on A second thought and a quarter


    Reminds me of piece I just read by songmanpoet here on OP. Check it out, Thanks for sharing compassion is a nice read, be well



    thank you

    Charlie23 commented on A second thought and a quarter


    Very real in your writing! I can picture the scenario, and found myself very pleased when I read the ending. I get the tag as it could make one very emotional!



    thank you :)

    Shay86 commented on A second thought and a quarter


    I can relate to this poem sooo much this is a great poem



    thank you

    jaxsammyslayer commented on A second thought and a quarter


    your poem was great something that i can relate to

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    LeeLee420xx’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rockin' 0
    Just mean it 0
    common factor 0
    what once was 1
    part of me 0
    idealy 0
    i will find away 0
    rambles of a self proclaimed dreamer 0
    hopeful proud tears 2
    It's time 3
    hoot 4
    The stranger 3
    life is learning 2
    Riley 0
    sometime 0
    Elysia 1
    But it can and it does 4
    The Lotus 9
    You will not prevail 2
    A second thought and a quarter 11
    Listen here! 0
    *DEAL* 1
    The Biker 1
    to conform or not to conform 0
    Taller then the doubt 1
    waiting for sleep to find me 0
    Are you serious 0
    It's coming 1
    Never alone 0
    Is it ? 1
    Key related 1