Luiseach’s Profile

  • Age: 53
  • Location: private
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I am 41, married to a good man who is patient and understanding as no other man I have ever met besides my papa. I have two miracle boys the Lord blessed me with, and am currently recovering from surgery on my neck so that I can have another on my lower back. Apparently my spine and I are at war, but I shall be the victorious one!! ;o)
I started writing as a kid; found poetry absolutely delightful! As a teen, it became an outlet for all the things that tormented me that I couldn't talk to anyone about. I like to write short stories, but poetry has always been my true passion. My life...well, let's just say it's colorful. My poems tell my story. As I post them (not in the proper order-one of my disorders), the sad tale is revealed. And it takes time as I am still working on all of the issues.
I hope you enjoy my work, much is old, but I am trying to break through a long writer's block and will post anything new as it comes to me. Wish me luck my writing friends!!


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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Luiseach’s Poems (27)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Forever Grey 0
Do I Exist? 0
Smile 0
Masks 0
When A Poet Can't Write 3
Imagination 1
Shapes In The Sky 1
Hiding 1
Destitution 0
The Candle 0
Never Let Them See You Cry 3
Inside Cry 1
Tears Of My Soul 1
Friendship 1
Thank You 0
Fathers’ Love (Song) 0
The World In A Dream 1
Summer Ecstacy 2
The Dance 0
Lovers’ Tango 0
Tranquility 0
Naked Before You 0
Most Precious Gift 0
Lucas 0
Logan 0
Soul Soup 0
Tears 0