past and confront


  • IEnvyYou
  • is posting series of poems...coming soon

Poem Commentary

I am abyss to the factor of belief

I am abyss to the fork lord of untold things

It all seems to be at the pit with me

Tell I am in bliss with the king

i believe i am saved

(this is all my past the getting hurt thing h=your going to read no one really new this i told someone my parents but they thought it a lie, becuase they thought the new who he was, they say hes not like that he would not do such things, amd i only have God who believes it niether though it was befor i believed he new it would happen

past and confront

As I rage on

What do I believe?

You or me

Will you believe me?

You say you know ever thing about me

Is it true that your love

That you’re pure

I just don’t know what to believe

Saying I gave you a chance and you sat on me

All though I know it’s not true I believe it’s your fault

Why could you not have kept him from me?

He hurt me now I can do nothing but greave

Then again it’s all right,

 It’s not your fault

I made a choice when I kept my mouth shut

And said nothing

But it’s your fault you new,

What was going to happen?

Why did you not protect me?

Is it because I did not know you then?

My heart now is bliss because you saved me

From myself, you love me

That’s all that counts

So I don’t blame you for my past

Or for even what happened then

I just know

I was not believed then

But do you believe me?

Neither though it’s all over now

I am safe and away from him

You make me bliss

Thank you for you


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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

IEnvyYou’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Choices 3
Mary had a lamb 1
Twins 2
past and confront 0