Passion for a nother


Passion for a nother

I have so much passion i can share with everyone, I am happy with my mate, but I am falling for another. I not know what to do, I just met this young men. I not know if i lusting or if it is love, I am hoping it is lust.

Nothing more, I cry about this passion i have. Is it a cruse or a gift. I know that cannot have both, I do wish I could. The love and the passion I have is very strong for both.

 I have chosen my mate over the other, but I will dream about the other, how would it feel having him by my side, in my bed or the other thoughts that runs in my head. I will never know, since I chosen. Passion I will always have with everyone and myself.

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gregster commented on Passion for a nother


ok just one of advice..never loose what is best in your life because of your selfishness or lack of get what you deserve and you deserve what you get

Savant commented on Passion for a nother


Just a few grammatical errors but your subject is one that is easy to relate to. Who can deny wanting to have their cake and eat it too? The part that hit me the hardest was when you said you hope it's just lust. I understand that because lust is fleeting, it comes and goes but if it's love....that could mean big trouble. You captured the dichotomy of the issue.

WhiteKnight commented on Passion for a nother


this is well writtten. can i make one suggestion?



ya that would be nice, so suggest away. blessed be



i would like to have ur suggestion, it will help me more in my writtins

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

kittylilly’s Poems (24)

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