Dark Beauty of Death


Dark Beauty of Death

Beauty could be a flower or a person.
 Beauty could be anything it choice to be, in this world their is not enough beauty. I wounder why?

 Why is their not enough beauty in the world? All I can see is black, blue, purple, orange, and gray. What going to happen next, heartache, blood, cuts, broken bones or death.

 One day my future will change, one day my knight will help me. Before my soul is crush or death take me, I not like living in Hell anymore.

 Help, help, help, I cry out for freedom. After so much pain, dark beauty is all I see, when do I see something more.

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NBParis commented on Dark Beauty of Death


It's coming kiddo. Patience and perseverence are the keys. Faith is the door. Keep strong in God and you will get through it in tact and you will find that God has something better for you. Peace.

icu2 commented on Dark Beauty of Death


This is tremendously sad and dark. I hope this is just a poem and not your reality. So scary if it is. Good write though.



it is my reaitly

Dark commented on Dark Beauty of Death


Nice!!! I love this poem, very dark!!! I love the line "After so much pain, dark beauty is all I see"!!! Awesome!!!



thank u

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

kittylilly’s Poems (24)

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