Missed Two Little Angels


Missed Two Little Angels

  I miss my two little Angels so much,
I feel my heart ache every time I think of my beautiful angels. It is hard and still hurts every time I think of the them, they are so dear to me and I wish they are still a live right know fighting by their big brother and trying to live and see the world around them, they been taken away to soon. It is so hard not to mourn for them, I know when I am with their big brother I can not mourn till I am way from him.

             I need to morn away from him so when I go and see him I can think of him. So I can take care of him, I know I can do this and sometimes it works sometimes it dose not. I mourn fore the two I lost and I know so dose their daddy too. I will always cry and dream about them, wishing that they are here. My missed little angels, I miss and love u so much and I hope that your having fun with your heavenly families.

             My missed little angels, I know you two will come back to earth to new family to love and cherise you both. I will always love you both with my hole heart.

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icu2 commented on Missed Two Little Angels


Oh, my! I am so sorry for your loss. Love and prayers for you and the little one. Your poem was really expressive. I felt your pain.



well thank u from my heart, it has been a long round, but he is doing well so far



well thank u from my heart, it has been a long round, but he is doing well so far



well thank u from my heart, it has been a long round, but he is doing well so far



well thank u from my heart, it has been a long round, but he is doing well so far



well thank u from my heart, it has been a long round, but he is doing well so far



well thank u from my heart, it has been a long round, but he is doing well so far



we lose another angel

bluewolf commented on Missed Two Little Angels


As a parent I can sympathize with your loss. My son is my heart and to lose that would take that heart with him. I will say a prayer for you both.



he is doing well to day, so thank u for ur prays



thank u sooooo much



i still have one out the three, right know he is still in the hospital and he is 6 months old



Than I will add that much prayer for you and yours.



think u he is in the hospital still

Nadia1986 commented on Missed Two Little Angels


Sad but at least your able to get the pain out by writing about it good for you.



think you

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

kittylilly’s Poems (24)

Title Comments
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