


 Seeing the future through dreams and visions, am I the chosen one. Am I the one to see what is going to happen, am I the one to see the past of our history and our four fathers.

 I not if I have the strong to do this,but it has to be down. Past down from mother to daughter for long time, know it runs in my bloodline. Would it run in my son's bloodline as well, I prey it dose not.

I not know if I could if my son can see in to the future, the past, and the present. I not think I can handle it to well,we will see won't we. I seen so much: death, violent, heartache, lust, mistrust, and etc.

I not think i can handle it if my son has to see all that, I not want him too.


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Madelynn commented on Bloodlines


Dear spirit-listen carefully; Your gift is of beauty-all gifts are! Yes, they are terrifying and heart wrenching at times-but, look towards the balance..what is the beauty? There is ALWAYS a balance-always! Harnest your gift, nurture it-appreciate it, it belongs to you!..As for you beautiful son, this heartens me so-to say, but none the less,angel, it is true~He will see these things, no matter! They are the curse of life we all must face..but just as I have already said, find the balance and guide him well,he will be strong. Bless you-Maddi



thank u for ur wisendom and ur friendship

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

kittylilly’s Poems (24)

Title Comments
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