


why do parents make children
when all they do is complain
why do parents say that they love us
when all they do is beat us
why do parents bother caring
when they dont give a damn
why do they bother teachin us responsiblitys
when they make us their slaves
why do they ask for help
and forced to serve them
but when we are in tears,
we are told to deal
how can it be, that they tell us promises
that they will keep
but then they break those promises
they makes us appologize on our knees
shouldnt it be them?
we didnt do a thing,
we are just young,
we look for love,
and a site of new life
but how can we look
when they pierce our eyes
with millions of needles and knives
how can we make them proud
if to them we always fail?
how can we prove to them
that we are better then they
why do we bother
to try to live
when in the end
we are whipped till we are dead

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angelwriter commented on Parents...


The question is why? Dont be afraid to ask your parents why?you do have a great poem!keepm it up.....

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Eilancer’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A Beautiful Sight in the Distance 0
Only So Many 0
Faith 0
At The Beginning 0
Fear is Life 1
Lovely Hate 1
Parents... 1
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why? 0