Lovely Hate


Lovely Hate

Love is quick and it can fly by, or
Love can be a trick, so its not worth your time,
why bother to Love, when you dont need anybody
why bother to cry, when love doesnt care even if you die
forget about all of your love because in the end,
Love will be the one causing hate and pain that in the end makes you cry

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writingislove commented on Lovely Hate


I have to agree and disagree. Love with be the cause of a lot of pain in your life, but at the same time, it will conquer you. When you find true love for the last time in your life, only then will anyone understand that love is not hate nor pain. Great poem though. I really like the rhyming. Keep it up!

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Eilancer’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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