pain alive


  • Death

    pain alive

    Its ok to love you even tho you are gone
    The dark side of my world took you away
    If I still cry
    Its ok

    How can it be over
    I never told you to go
    How can I move on
    How can I ever grow

    Oh my protector - so strong
    Oh so gentle too
    I long for your hot whisper
    I can still feel your voo doo

    To me it just isn't fair
    We held each other tight
    You offered to share the world with me
    You brought me so much light

    Moving forward has
    been in my plan
    you are always with me
    my beautiful, beautiful man

    I go through the motions
    Every single day
    Only to give me balance
    Somehow to show me the way

    O baby I love you
    Never made a deal for you to go
    You've been gone so long
    But I can still feel your smoldering glow

    I laid you to rest
    in an alive part of the sea
    So very far out there
    But oh so close to me

    I can finally look towards
    my future and say
    My husband was so damn alive
    But that was yesterday

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    Artie commented on pain alive





    yes, very. IThat was written on the plane back from visiting my best friend who lost her husband to cancer within the ist year of marriage......thank you for rating :)

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    BClaim’s Poems (6)

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