


Guard no more to your demons, got the gold watch last year
No more tangles, no more tears
I have invested way too much in all my fears
The payoff doesn't seem to be here

You my friend have much more investing to do, the gremlins, they are there, they are within you
Cannot see, cannot hear the gremlins when they sting the welt leaves a scar on convenient souls

To an abyss of clarity, free of fear, at a loss for words I arrive at silence clenching my gold watch
My own gremlins licking their stingers and stroking my hair

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LaLucha commented on Guard


Eeeewwww gremlins with stingers, and the watch means....time passing? Is this a retirement poem? Hmmm.



HA! Yes the watch means retirememnt from watching over someone elses demons previously... that was a break up letter/poem, and ya, I do not think he got it! Thank you for reading :)

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

BClaim’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
pain alive 1
Dismal & Despair 0
How Many Birthdays 0
the play 1
Guard 1