Only Death, Not the End


Only Death, Not the End

Only Death, Not the End
Do you believe like many others
that reward or punishment waits
when life has run it's course,
when entering Heaven's gates?
Or believe like others do
in the eternal rest of death,
the dreamless, peaceful dark, 
that ends this earthly test?
Have you ever wished for death
in the midst of grief or pain,
without regard for Heaven or Hell
just an end to endless strain?
The good news or the bad news is:
there's a final act in your play 
but you may be called for curtain calls
from the lives you touch today
Languish in the quiet grave
with nothing left behind
by living on the sideline
uncommitted, silent, undefined 
Live on in precious memories
of a kindness shown a friend
Live on as that gentle stranger
who offered to lend a hand
Live on in thoughts of infamy
for evil you've inflicted
be cursed by generations
you choose how you're depicted
In the end,
You choose how you're depicted!
Do you believe like many others
that reward or punishment waits
when life has run it's course,
when entering Heaven's gates?

Or believe like others do
in the eternal rest of death,
the dreamless, peaceful dark, 
that ends this earthly test?

Have you ever wished for death
in the midst of grief or pain,
without regard for Heaven or Hell
just an end to endless strain?

The good news or the bad news is:
there's a final act in your play 
but you may be called for curtain calls
from the lives you touch today

Languish in the quiet grave
with nothing left behind
by living on the sideline
uncommitted, silent, undefined 

Live on in precious memories
of a kindness shown a friend
Live on as that gentle stranger
who offered to lend a hand

Live on in thoughts of infamy
for evil you've inflicted
be cursed by generations
you choose how you're depicted
In the end,
You choose how you're depicted!

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earthly commented on Only Death, Not the End


Profound-inspirational-I hope to be remembered fondly and live money poor, but love rich:)TY...Earthly

icu2 commented on Only Death, Not the End


Well now! This gives pause for thought! You mean the law of paying for wrong doing is going to follow us clear over the the other side? So sad for those who believe they are just going to "pop" on into the next life! Good poem, and I agree with it.

Stryx commented on Only Death, Not the End


A nicely put together poem - with options. Do you really think there are any?



I think once we die we are all out of options. We had a time line to get our house in order, and if we chose to not do so, then that is that. On to stage two. That's what I think.

MindNumbing commented on Only Death, Not the End


Truer words were never spoken... no matter what your religious beliefs, live you life to the highest possible standards. Thank you for this reminder :)

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

harveygrund’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Solid Wall of Night 6
The "Poe Toaster" 3
"Forever" is Never Real 3
Don't Need No Skoolin' 2
Questioning Non-Existence 4
The New Wishing Fairie 3
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A Dialogue: What is True? 3
Dancin' Boy 2
Majority Rules 1
Room in the Heart 3
Gosh It's Dark In Here 2
Haiti Will Survive 2
The Circle of Death 4
Only Death, Not the End 5