On the Road Again


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    On the Road Again

    “On the Road Again”

    I sit in the passenger seat
    Riding high above the cars,
    The sky is dark now;
    Lit up by shinning stars.
    I read the many signs
    That we pass by in speed,
    We just past the airport
    In the California town of weed..
    I look out my window
    And gaze out upon the land,
    Then I feel a gentle touch
    As you take my hand.
    “You sure look pretty
    Sitting over there in that chair,
    Those big beautiful breasts
    And the light shining on your blonde hair.”
    No need for any words
    I reply, with a simple smile,
    And go on looking outwards;
    As we pass the markers with every mile.
    The truckers on the lookout
    With warnings on the CB about a bear;
    “He is sitting in the median of the road” they say;
    Aiming his gun at you out there.
    No its not the animal kind of bear
    Standing there holding a gun,
    Its code for the police;
    Aiming his radar for his fun.
    A lot of the time I just sit and listen
    As Tracy talks on the phone,
    About this, that and the other;
    Here I sit in my own little zone.
    I watch for the wild life
    And the deer on the side of road,
    Hoping they stay back far enough;
    So as not to get hit by the next truckers load.
    I wonder what must go thru their minds
    As trucks and cars wiz on by,
    Do they think they wont get hit?
    And that they wont die?
    The purring of the motor
    Mesmerizes my thoughts inside
    I feel myself fading slowly
    To my dreams I will reside.
    Trying to stay alert
    My eyes close and I drift off to sleep
    Only to wake up knowing
    My dreams I cannot keep.
    Mile marker six ninety eight
    We just now past,
    Only a few more miles;
    Until we can rest at last.
    The white lines of the road
    The vastness of the sky,
    I am sitting here
    With a tear forming in my eye.
    I know it can be hard out here,
    On the road that never ends;
    I hope that it helps though…
    Having me as your friend.!
    Our business has made its success
    In one year to present date,
    Our nine year relationship though….
    I still anticipate!
    The years spent by your side
    Are the very best part of my life
    Yet I struggle each day knowing
    I will never become your wife.
    This is our life for now;
    And maybe with this driven success,
    Some of my dreams will come true
    And my heart won’t be such a mess.
    Until the next adventure
    Out on the road with you
    I will try and remain hopeful
    Keeping my dreams within view.

    The End

    Written while on the road …
    September 23, 2008

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    twablondie’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Professional Rider 1
    I Ride For You 0
    A Fire on the Road 0
    On The Road Again 0
    White Lines 0
    My Book 0
    Foolish Games 1
    Abuse 0
    She is An Angel Now... 0
    On the Road Again 0
    No Life To Be Told 0

    twablondie’s Friends (3)