

  • Sadness



    Why do they have to condemn
    And use the fist of their hand
    Why do they have to make us hurt
    As we crumble to even stand.

    Why do they make us feel worthless
    And shape our life so insecure
    What right do they have
    To dissolve an innocence so pure.

    What power do they feel they need
    What control are they really looking for
    Why do they constantly abuse
    The person they love and adore?

    Abuse of any form
    Is not what anyone should feel
    But abuse comes in many forms
    And Abuse is very real.

    I can remember the force of his hand
    As he hit me in the face
    But what I remember the most
    Are the words he can never replace.

    My face has healed
    But the words tear a whole in my heart,
    The words leave a scar like no other
    And tear your soul apart.

    A victim I was
    A survivor I still stand
    Never will I be a victim again
    Of another mans hand.

    I may have held back his hand
    But his words still come at me
    And that abuse alone
    Makes life difficult you see.

    They must condemn
    And constantly put you down
    To make up for what they lack
    As your smile becomes a frown.

    It is their own weakness
    And thoughts of their child rearing years,
    That makes the devil come out
    And creates so many tears.

    If only they had the tools
    To look within themselves and see
    If only they would take responsibility
    Maybe we could be free.

    But freedom is far away
    When they cannot face the demons of their past,
    Freedom is almost a death sentence
    By the abusive said to last.

    I will continue to fight
    For my freedom and that of others,
    Because I know what it does
    To all of us mothers.

    You may be a mother
    And think your kids don’t see
    don’t deny it anymore
    Demand respect to be free.

    Free of the abuse
    That has tormented you for years.
    Free of the abuse
    And free of the ultimate fear.

    If his fist doesn’t kill you
    His words will in the end,
    Stand up for yourself
    On yourself you must depend.

    He has beat you down
    But you can still stand up and fight
    don’t let him take away
    Your gods given human right.

    He has taken away your dignity
    Your self worth and made you insecure,
    don’t let him kill you
    With the words he implores.

    don’t let him have the power
    And the control anymore
    Take it back with everything you have
    And walk out that door.

    That door you vision as impossible
    Is the door that will give you life
    Because Behind that door
    Stands “A WOMAN”, not just a wife.

    A woman who is scared
    And a woman who is frail inside
    But a woman who has survived
    And that woman who will no longer hide.

    The end
    Shannon mcgrorty hunter
    April 21 2009

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

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