My Hero


My Hero

 have sent this for the last two years..and I will continue to do so..  Please take time this weekend to pray for and remember those serving and lost..They sacrificed so that you might have a wonderful, fun, bbq'ing weekend!  God Bless to you and those who keep us free!!!
My Hero

I thought I would adopt a soldier, to keep him in my prayers.
I wanted him to know I supported him, some one at home who cares.
We talked about the weather, about the football season we had.
We talked about all he missed, and whether things were good or bad.
He shared his thoughts with me, and I gladly shared mine with him.
And just when I thought I wouldn't know what to say, I'd start to write again.
Then one day he wrote, told me something I had feared.
“The humvee was blown to pieces, no worries,” he said, “ I'm still here.”
“Don't know how we made it, actually it was pretty cool to see.
He said the next time he wrote, he'd send the pictures to me.
Then a serious tone took over, and a sadness changed the tone.
“I find myself jumping out of bed at night, when the thunder rolls.”
“Things are getting bad over here, so I may not be able to write as much.”
“But keep those letters comin Lisa, please keep in touch.”
“I get a leave soon, in July I'll be heading home, for a short time..”
“Can't wait to see my family, my girl....return to a normal life.”
Those were the last words, my hero had a chance to write.
For one short month later, an IED would end his life.
Memorial Day will always mean something more to me.
The day my hero died, while trying to ensure I'm free.
I can't express the pain, when I received the call that night.
All I could say was this hurts so bad, are they sure they have it right?
It was my privilege to have known him, an honor to know his name.
No matter the time we had, I loved him just the same.
Our men and women need to hear us, need to know how much we care.
They need to know we support them, and each day we take them up in prayer.
I decided to adopt a soldier, never really thought that he would die.
And as I ended each letter, I say to him now,   “I'll talk to you later my hero, with appreciation, good-bye”

In memory of Alexandre Alexeev- Killed In Action- Memorial Day 2007

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SpiritSong commented on My Hero


Thank U servant...a beautifully expressed poem. I am always honored to read such poems as our soldiers are doing a job I personally would dread to the highest degree. I am so thankful for them, and for poets who honor their cause and memory. Thanks my friend, great job and so well written..."SpiritSong"

CongoNetherland commented on My Hero


I am so sorry. This is a terrible fate, and it is not right. Your work reflects it well, though it shows a terrible sight.



well..I was able to write based off shared letters between my adopted soldier and is the reality of war, the pain of loss..the unknown of life..thank you for your comment

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

servantAdored’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
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