I am stronger then a lion on the prowl.
My claws need not strike in anger,
my gentleness will be fierce enough.
I am more beautiful then a billboard model.
I need no fashion, no glimmer,
no entourage, for I stand tall on a catwalk of truth.
I am one intelligent woman.
The wisdom I have doesn't come
with diploma's or degrees, that I place on a wall.
I am a scholar, for I strive to know the word of Jesus.
I am walking royalty.
I don't need a castle on a hill,
a ball to announce my coming.
My castle resides in the subdivision of heaven.
My royal ball will be alone, secluded,
dancing in the arms of Jesus.
I am far richer then the richest man on earth.
I have every necessity I will ever need,
I don't need to spend money to
accumulate useless materials.
My riches are grand, I am fulfilled.
I am a woman with faith...
I am strong, intelligent, gentle, royal, and rich.
I am compassionate, and beautiful, yet humble.
I am confidant, for I rest in the arms of Jesus.
I am a woman of faith..I am blessed beyond all measure.
I have no doubt, no fear, I am forgiven, I forgive.
I have hope, I believe.
I have love.   I have Jesus.
I am... a woman with faith.

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

servantAdored’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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It's You! 2
It is Worshipping Me! 0
I cry to You today 2
Redemption of Nations Sin 1
In a Moment before Suicide 0
You and I 1
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