It is Worshipping Me!


It is Worshipping Me!

Jesus met me while I kneeled, said lets take a walk.."I have to explain something to you..
If I walked into a church today, and saw the people kneel and pray or raise their hands to honor me,
do you really think I'd be upset with their worship?
If I walked into a sanctuary, and there up on the
stage, was a woman, sharing my word, with passion
and conviction, do you think I would be upset?
If I walked into a church today, and saw instruments
of all kinds, being played for my ears to hear,
do you think I will be offended?
If I walk into a congregation today, and I meet
people whose lives you don't agree with, but look at me
with longing and uncertainty, do you think their choices will
stop me from loving them?  Or welcoming them?  Or saving them?
If I walked into an arena of 5,000, and saw people on a stage
praying to me for healing of others, do you think I would command them
to stop?  Do you think I will turn my ears away?
When I sit among the congregation of 10,000, and hear a pastor preaching
about prosperity and blessing and miracles, do you really believe
that this would upset me? 
If I walk into a church and people are dressed in torn jeans and tattoos and
piercing's, do you think I would ask them to wear better clothes, or come
covered up?
What do they really think about me?  That I am more worried about "how"
my church may look, then who it might reach? 
Do they think it is more important to select who gives a message, then allow the Holy Spirit
to lead whoever I choose?
Do they think worshipping me in song has anything to do with instruments?
It is time for people to understand, worshipping doesn't look any certain way,
it doesn't sound any certain way, and it doesn't include only certain people.
Worshipping me is corporately done, yet privately initiated, solely relational to me,
and independently found in many comfort zones.
It isn't a beauty pageant, or Broadway show. 
It isn't a political debate, or commentary on
T. V.
It is worshipping me."

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In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

servantAdored’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
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