My Brotha's


  • Shae
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My Brotha's

Life for you have been so hard
You have been dealt the wrong card
You try to make your mark
But people continue to put you down
They are not knowing you are the one that earned the right to wear the kings crown

Hold your head up high and stick your chest out
Let them haters know what you are about
Your worth more than selling drugs and claiming a gang
Most of you have education not on probation and your fathers have the same name

Let no one take that from you
Your sista's are here, your backbone we need you to
To be good fathers, husbands, and a good son
Let them know that your power of a brotha has just begun

Don't pay attenetion to what the world have to say
God molded you out of the finest clay
Be strong and be heard
Be so powerful that no one else can say not one more negative word

You are doctors, lawyers and good men to
The most powerful, elegant, graceful man out there it is defiantly you

Yes the man that I speak of is MY..STRONG..BLACK..BROTHA'S

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shakeme4life commented on My Brotha's


Thank you for having the courage to express the love we as sisters have for our brothas , beautiful expression of self love

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Shae’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Make Me Feel Beautiful 2
He Was Molded Just For Me 1
My Brotha's 1
Husband 0
The Beginning 0
His Lies 1
Falling In Love With Jesus 3
No More Secrecy 0
Your Touch 1
Big Classy Women 0
Search Your Soul 0
Unwanted Secrets 1
My Angel 3
Missing You 0
Passion 1