Big Classy Women


  • Shae
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Big Classy Women

Hold your head up high
Everyone will notice you like a angel in the sky
Be conservative in everything you do
Dress for success let your light shine true

The curves in your body shown with delight
Don't show to much make sure everything is right
Make the small women know that you got it
Just as much as they do and they know it

Size don't matter in a real man world
It is about your heart, make them want to curl
Making them want to know who that classy sista is
Never be treated like you are second best
Your style and grace can pass any test

When you step into your business life
You always know that everything is going to go right
Make a example for other big women around you
Where they can see that they have what it takes through and through

Compliment each other when you see one is fly
Don't hate and say another lie
You see one that is down
Tell her to hold their head up high and never frown

Beauty is seen all around you
So get you some friends that appreciate you
Not none that will hate on who you are
Leave them standing and looking from afar

Don't get me wrong haters is always needed
Make them feel like they were cheated
Smile and keep going stepping high
Always remember everyone wants your style

You are the one with beauty inside and out
Get up and step out because the real people knows what it is about
Go ahead and show yourself
Get up out the bed and off the couch
Let the world know what you are about

You are and always will be a Big Classy Woman for the world to see

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Shae’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Make Me Feel Beautiful 2
He Was Molded Just For Me 1
My Brotha's 1
Husband 0
The Beginning 0
His Lies 1
Falling In Love With Jesus 3
No More Secrecy 0
Your Touch 1
Big Classy Women 0
Search Your Soul 0
Unwanted Secrets 1
My Angel 3
Missing You 0
Passion 1