Falling In Love With Jesus


  • Shae
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Falling In Love With Jesus

For many years I tried to run
It was like darkness running from the sun
He continued to bless me
I always wondered how could this be
I went to church and heard his word
It was like he spoke to me as soft as a bird
"Come unto me, I will give you rest"
I wondered in my mind was this a test
I wanted a break through in my life
With God's help I could be a better wife
The message really touched my heart
How could I have ever been apart
He guided me through the storm
It was like a warm blanket something so warm
I went to the alter to be saved
I thank the Lord I could have been dead in my grave
I looked up to the heavens where my help comes from
I shouted to the Lord, Please forgive me
The more I heard and read his word it was for me
I should have came running like a herd
He is my best friend I never had
With Jesus on my side I could never be sad
I will let everyone know
Oh how my love for Jesus grows
He is my comforter and my king
You should try him it is more beautiful than any wedding ring
He won't let you down
No more holding your head to the ground
I love him like no love before
I will shout to the roof top

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Clementinewoods commented on Falling In Love With Jesus


I really enjoyed reading your lovely poem!!! I can remember how I tried to run from God before I got saved. I tried to find happiness out there in the world, but my soul was never completely satisfied or content. There was always a void or a type of emptiness I felt. One day I just got tired of running, so I surrendered my life to Jesus. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love the Lord with all my heart and I thank Him that I am now saved, sanctified and filled with His Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for sharing your work and I would like to invite you share in mine. Be forever blessed, Clementine!!!

Jedi4Jesus commented on Falling In Love With Jesus


Passion combined with sincerity is a Win Win. It's awesome to know that Jesus can be your best friend for all time!!

ArtrillaDevine commented on Falling In Love With Jesus


What a lovely poem Shae, I am a Virgo too, I guess writing is a Virgo thing.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Shae’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Make Me Feel Beautiful 2
He Was Molded Just For Me 1
My Brotha's 1
Husband 0
The Beginning 0
His Lies 1
Falling In Love With Jesus 3
No More Secrecy 0
Your Touch 1
Big Classy Women 0
Search Your Soul 0
Unwanted Secrets 1
My Angel 3
Missing You 0
Passion 1