Misty Marsh


  • Nature

    Poem Commentary

    This poem aims to talk about the clarity of mind one can enjoy by simply losing themselves in nature's mist.

    Misty Marsh

    Smokey mists swirling veil unthinkable verity,
    A feeling of uncertainty plays host.
    Eerie, still, overtakes obscuring clarity,
    A perfect allay, a tranquilizing dose.

    Oak oar glides, gracefully, though silent pools.
    Static waters regain conscious life once more.
    Willowy waves, and stout stones open their dual.
    Crystal beads strike, water rippled evermore.

    Reeds silently, sway. Specters in the fog.
    I slip by, my bow grazes soft shores now.
    I leave canoe, pierce muck to start my slog.
    Straining to stay atop, mud refuses to allow.

    Struggling through, muddy medley I hear.
    An invisible cast, in perfect euphony.
    Phantom voices ring so faint in my ear.
    No symphony could rival in quality.

    In this misty, marsh I lose my very self.
    My hidden, home relieves my worst stress,
    Life’s trivial problems, placed upon a shelf
    Here and now, I have nothing to address.

    In my lost world I aspire to become,
    Nothing more than perfectly numb.

    Poem Comments


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    LaPoeme commented on Misty Marsh


    This poem is very well written- it is elegant, and paints a vivid picture! Great job!

    miry commented on Misty Marsh


    Going thru a very stressful time right now, I can appreciate wanting to be somewhere away from my problems...alone with myself....thank you for this inspiring poem.



    Hope things work out for you friend.

    GentleT commented on Misty Marsh


    It is nice to have a place of peace where you can relax. You have found it in your marsh. As for me it would be a nightmare. But each of us is unique. I can see your admiration for it from your words.

    MrGee commented on Misty Marsh


    EXCELLENT! nice to see you growing as you write. The poem has good rhtymn and rhymn. The last verse is well written and paints a good picture in the readers mind. oh, and the word is eupnea as opposed to euphony. however, And, yes finding oneself is very import. this is a 10. keep up the good work



    Thank you

    Hampton commented on Misty Marsh


    I think this is one of your better poems. it reflects a maturity in writing that gives rise to your progress in poetic composition. Very nice.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    quickwrite’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Human Condition 3
    Depth 1
    Butterflies 3
    Love and Lust 5
    Faliure 4
    Misty Marsh 6
    Hero 6
    Simplicity 13
    Winter's Eve 6
    Red Rose 4
    Friend 4
    Starry Canopy 9
    Pristine Dawn 6