

  • Hero

    Poem Commentary

    This poem is loosely written in sonnet format.


    What are the qualities of a righteous hero?

    Should he be brilliant and fierce in the fray?

    Should he be scholarly, his strength in biro?

    Should he toil without protest, everday?


    Must he conquer impossible and terrible odds?

    Must he clash with beasts of our darkest dreams?

    Must he boast undying faith to all mighty god?

    Must he stand fast amongst innocence’s screams?


    Nay, these virtues may also aid evil’s plight.

    A true hero is more than the sum of skill.

    He displays for us traits that exhibit right,

    A man of apt intentions and resolute will.


    But behind all this grand, glory and greatness,

    A hero is nothing just a moral compass.

    Poem Comments


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    MrGee commented on Hero


    Very good. This work paints a good picture in the readers mind. The meter is very good. I especially like how you begin with interogatives and then answer the questions that you pose. The ending verse is a nice expression of a value judgement concerning your thoughts concerning a hero. absolutely this poem is worthy of a 10. FYI: A magazine publisher based in Mississippi has indicated that my poem Nefer will be published in the December edition.



    Congrats, that's great to hear, I really enjoy that poem.

    Stryx commented on Hero


    A nice job of hunting for the answers - but what is a biro? In the third line?



    a pen. :)

    Dreamer123 commented on Hero


    This is such an awesome piece. Made me think of what a hero is supposed to be. a rolemodel, someone who is not afraid to be themself and to stand up to others. this is awesome. thanks for sharing. God Bless you

    Stryx commented on Hero


    May I suggest a last line: A hero is nothing if not a moral compass. better rhythm? Otherwise a good poem.

    squadrod commented on Hero


    This is cool but leaves me with a want for more after the misdirection

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    quickwrite’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Human Condition 3
    Depth 1
    Butterflies 3
    Love and Lust 5
    Faliure 4
    Misty Marsh 6
    Hero 6
    Simplicity 13
    Winter's Eve 6
    Red Rose 4
    Friend 4
    Starry Canopy 9
    Pristine Dawn 6