

  • Failure.

    Poem Commentary

    Perhaps I aught to clairfy, as much as I feel this poem can be applied to many aspects of life, it's first intention is to describe a student failing a class.


    Falling, falling.
    Pits of despair.
    Further falling.
    Failure’s dark lair.

    From tall towers,
    Thou has now slipped.
    From ivory halls,
    Thou has been stripped.

    Darkest dungeon,
    Of lowest vault.
    Imprisoned here
    For single fault.

    Endless abyss, cold,
    Consumes thy zeal.
    Deep painful wounds,
    Unable to heal.

    From the bottom,
    Looking ever up,
    Thou reside in,
    An empty cup.

    It trickles by.
    Seconds refuse,
    Hours won't reply.

    In this bleak world,
    ambition lost.
    Thou can now see,
    Failure's dear cost.

    Poem Comments


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    Worthless commented on Faliure


    I dont know why but all of your poems are written in a different language and I have no idea how to read that jiberish. Its only when I get on your sight. All your poems seem to be in a different language, but other peoples are normal. i dont know what the deal is

    MrGee commented on Faliure


    What language is this ?? I cant read it ! I will try reading the other poems now

    Hampton commented on Faliure


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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    quickwrite’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Human Condition 3
    Depth 1
    Butterflies 3
    Love and Lust 5
    Faliure 4
    Misty Marsh 6
    Hero 6
    Simplicity 13
    Winter's Eve 6
    Red Rose 4
    Friend 4
    Starry Canopy 9
    Pristine Dawn 6