Manhattan Snow


Manhattan Snow

Manhattan Snow



I really thought that

Things would slow down

When it snows

In the city

In Manhattan

But I was wrong.

The traffic

On Third avenue

Moved briskly

In the slush

There is no

Slow lane

On Third Avenue

When it snows

In Manhattan

Everybody has to


To Keep up or

Get passed over

An invisible army

Of shovelers

Descended onto the side walks

Door men, supers, clerks got

Hats and gloves and

Curved shovel plows and

Snapped into action like

Programmed robots to

Clear away the foreign substance

That had fallen out of the sky

So that the walkers could walk fast

And go here and there

In the Manhattan snow.


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HarverTomsson commented on Manhattan Snow


Snow days before Christmas convey magic; those that wait till February simply carry a winter's drudge. Downtown, uptown, any town, USA. Loved the city images.

lunamarie commented on Manhattan Snow


C'mon Picture Poet ... the city never sleeps baby ... haha ... Luna



p.s. don't forget--the tree lighting-tomorrow night ...

mamasan commented on Manhattan Snow


Ah nostalgia served on a platter full of this and thata plus music that makes music in my ears. My parents apartment used to be by Houston St. and Bleecker on the other side. And, the avenue that ran in front was called then 6th Avenue. I remember when I was in the 5th grade the snow teemed down and the sanitation dept hired anyone they could and out they would go out on trucks and shovel shovel shovel. By morning the avenue was cleared and there were piles of snow being pushed in to the sewers. Oh what a sight. Gosh, you really know your Manhattan and yes, I miss Manhattan most of all out of all the places I have lived. More so than the country in Maryland and the Bronx.

bklynrizz commented on Manhattan Snow


Man, I was transported back to the days when I worked in Manhattan during the winter. And you are exactly correct about life in the city when it snows. Living in Virginia, where it doesn't snow much, reading this made me miss the snow. Well briefly anyway. Well written.

Abigail077811 commented on Manhattan Snow


its really awsome n so true. You basically described everythin tht happens in Manhattan u must live there lolz

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

MikeDomino’s Poems (108)

Title Comments
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Pity the bum 2
A Poem 1
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A Night at the Movies 1
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i i i 9
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Art 2
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Jack is dead 3
poetry hangover 7
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Shopping mall on a monday afternoon 0
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Powerless 0
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normal 0
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The Gold Watch 3
headless turtles 4
headless turtles 2
Faces in Coffins 0
dry dog food 0
do 0
change 2
Country 0
Morning 0
winter 1
The Pump 0
a burned little girl 2
Florida 0
Time and 2 other Poems 0
Three Poems 0
Electric Night 3
hair harmony 2
YMCA Bowery 3
rainbow over the east side 11
no mo woiken 20
Slainte 5
Celebrity Death 28
Manhattan Snow 14
cement shoes 14
Hard Core 22
Africa 13
hard 10
not ashaned to admit 25
rank 7
Surfing 14
War of the Seasons 12
fog 14
nothing 5
education and defense of newspapers 12
excercise 9
Little 30
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