Hard Core


  • Poetry

    Hard Core

    Hard Core

    Quarters always drop out of my pants.
    My left pocket has a hole in it
    but I never fix it or replace my pants.
    I'm sure it would cost more to fix than to replace,
    so I hope the quarters drop where
    they'll be found and most appreciated.

    As a poet I seek neither fame nor fortune.
    If I found both they would take time away
    from writing hard core poetry.
    A good poet has a way with words
    but tempers his words for the sake of an audience.
    A great poet has no audience;
    he has no humility and writes with no fear
    of rejection or critique or profit or publication,
    and this is what I call hard core.
    If you get naked and stare death in the face
    with a clenched fist and say, Take me anytime, motherfucker,
    then you are ready to write great poetry.

    This is a no bullshit art form.
    This is where the sword meets the stone.
    Come and get me, motherfucker,
    and take my words to hell.

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    calijya commented on Hard Core


    this one really hit me. i'm sure u know by now that i write very agressively, and i pour all of my emotions out in my poetry. i sometimes ask myself whether or not that is ok, if i should soften my words for the sake of other people. u just reassured me that i shouldn't. thx.

    Musicmynded1 commented on Hard Core


    This is the poem that I read from you that makes me push the "Accept Friend" button on my home page,,, it was almost the Dear President but I knew that you had to have better than even that, and sure enough,,,, after all, I knew there had to be something "like this" that appealed to you from my poems to wanna be ma friend (there i go using that F-word again).

    HarverTomsson commented on Hard Core


    I'm not sure how the erosion of decency in speech contributes to great poetry, except in the rare occasion that civility is cowardice or ineffectual. But I'm a fan of your balls out willing to express yourself irrespective of societal consequence. Sometimes all a poet ends up saying is, "Right now, I feel like offending you." Nevermind that we are mostly strangers, after all.

    MSVanallen commented on Hard Core


    Amen!! If we write for the sake of wht we think others want...we are entertainers, not poets. Tell 'em. brotha!! MSV

    knight4696 commented on Hard Core


    Damn! You hit this one right on the head and slammed it out of the park! Great subject matter - I like your style Poetography. Nice Work!



    I can see why - I felt it as well.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    MikeDomino’s Poems (108)

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