to cute to let go


  • Happiness

    to cute to let go

    to cute to let go

    mid-afternoon shadows
    small italian restaurant
    in nowheresville strip mall

    i like going there

    service is great

    place is quiet

    food arrives hot

    but the best is-
    what you hear

    an 80 something couple
    lunching behind me
    taking their time
    at 3 PM - yes

    the young italian waiter
    was slim and handsome

    enthralling the elderly woman
    overly perfumed
    floral scattered dress
    husband proper with tie

    she flirted with the waiter
    he joked - she laughed
    it was nice
    hubby stayed quited
    with his desert and espresso

    finally they got up
    to pay at the register
    leaving me as the lone
    customer as the shadows

    the waiter came to the register

    and she just could not resist saying

    " you are just so cute i cant let you go"

    it was nice - again
    she was happy
    the waiter was happy
    her husband was happy-
    that his wife was happy

    even i was happy for just 
    being there at that particular time    

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    dancinghawk commented on to cute to let go


    beautiful slice of life and wonderful to model joy just by being near joy ... thx for the appreciative stance and the good ear

    BridgetBowen commented on to cute to let go


    I've experienced things like is leaves you with such a great feeling. Thank you for sharing is the nice side of life :)

    BraveMoon commented on to cute to let go


    A simple desire to live life and attain time and contentment with the other half of your soul.

    photochick commented on to cute to let go


    Great Imagery the passion and joy that love can bring and then the way it last over the years as time passes is amazing I love going to places and just watching how closer seniors are they have such love for one another great poem very touching I could picture it all as if i to was at that table with you watching and hearing all of it play out great write keep up the wonderful poetry

    Singcanary commented on to cute to let go


    love, passion, attraction doesnt die due to gets wiser instead! They KNOW what they want...great read...I enjoyed it.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    MikeDomino’s Poems (108)

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