Love's First


  • Love

    Love's First

    Men are what women are supposed to want,
    They are a fulfillment of our sexual needs.
    They come from all around us,
    Everywhere we look.
    Wearing different types of cologne,
    Different scents coming off of them,
    A mixture of different tastes too.
    Kissing them drives us wild,
    Or so it is meant to be true.

    But do we really need them,
    To be whole,
    Or is it just a hoax,
    Something to believe in?

    I find no trust in men,
    Been proven correctly.
    Cheaters,liars and thieves,
    So much that it makes me sick.
    They are caught up on themselves,
    Especially their stick.

    Why is that important?
    Can't love exist first?
    Not one man I've ever met,
    Could say that love is first,
    Because sex is always before.
    Why is that?
    Don't feelings count?

    Please if only i could find that man,
    That doesn't need the sex part first,
    And will just let love come and develop.
    But it is a lifetime away,
    To find that man who'll say....
    "Love's first."

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    scrye commented on Love's First


    Eileen i said i was jealous of lunesca's writing and then i read this and know there are artist as capable if not more so than others. I loved this poem and as a woman can relate to the message. Great work, i loved it immensely. a 10 from me.

    PRober commented on Love's First


    now, now... we're not all the same stereotypically. But that's a good write, and poetically speaking write on!

    angie commented on Love's First


    wow nice poem lol and it speaks the truth that is what all guys think about

    kittman101 commented on Love's First


    i will honestly say i am not that man. But those feelings you have felt, has been felt by many. Ten years ago maybe i was that one person. But time has shown me many things. So i create fault so that i can find chaos in the moment, then share happiness. You are truly an artist with your words. Thank you so much for allowing me to read them.

    LadyLuck commented on Love's First


    goodness that does seem to be the case doesn't it? exquisite poem. i love it

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    eileenj341975’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Missing my baby 1
    The Love of My Life 7
    Love Classifieds 6
    Trapped 6
    What is True love? 13
    A Poem from my heart 8
    Love's First 5
    Love 3
    Being Content 2
    A Poem for You 1
    The Basement 4
    Wasted Childhood 6