LadyLuck’s Profile

  • Age: 14
  • Location: Williamsburg, VA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


So i've only begun life so i may not know what i'm talkn about but i'm going 2 talk about it anyway. I'm 0 years old and going through "normal" teenage drama. (or so everyone tells me.) I've had 13-14 bf's and 11 of them treated me like crap. I write poems about feelings and nature mostly. Life is treating me pretty crappy right now but so far my head is still above water.
*Pieces!! :-*


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PoetWithCancer profile comment


I really like your age! Zero must be such a fun age to be. ;) I didn't know how to set it at 0, so I chose 1. One is a fun age, too. / You have asked me to be friends with you, and I am going to accept. I'll read your poetry when I can. / Now, like Frost, I have promises to keep.

TwilightLover profile comment


I love all your poems sorry i could not comment on them computer messed up.

blackrose95 profile comment


Hi we talked in the chat room for a little bit remember?

jesusfreake profile comment


thanks a lot for ur kind comments...they are much, and nice comments on ur own profile..

mamasan profile comment


yeah why not comment on your profile....who knows you best anyway. Go, go, the world is your oyster and may you find a pearl or two or three.....

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

LadyLuck’s Poems (1)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My confusion 15