What is True love?


  • Love

    What is True love?

    Does anyone really know,
    Has anyone actually experienced it?
    Does true love really exist?
    Or is it in our imagination?
    We know true love is a feeling,
    A feeling of what exactly?
    Trembles when you are near them?
    Heart racing a million miles a minute?
    Butterflies in your stomach?
    Fireworks when you kiss?
    The sparkle in your eye,
    When you look into them?
    Heart aches when you are not with them?
    A connection between them,
    That not even they can explain.
    What is true love?
    Are they just words?
    Or is it for real,
    And so much more?

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    CasimirJash commented on What is True love?


    I'm wondering the same thing, Love sounds like a cold better yet the flu that came out of nowhere, but in the end it can get better or worse.

    Snyper commented on What is True love?


    wow you really got to the heart of the matter like silver said it is the universal question when it comes to love i love this poem thanks for writing

    BDIsernhagen commented on What is True love?


    question which have puzzled me as well. great insight and provoking words.

    MrGee commented on What is True love?


    I was hoping to read that you answer the answer concerning what true love is. I have been searching for it for some time now. anyway, I enjoyed you poem and when u find the answer to true love let me know. And is that ur baby in the pic?

    mistynites26 commented on What is True love?


    nice question...makes you wonder. i love poems that make you think.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    eileenj341975’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Missing my baby 1
    The Love of My Life 7
    Love Classifieds 6
    Trapped 6
    What is True love? 13
    A Poem from my heart 8
    Love's First 5
    Love 3
    Being Content 2
    A Poem for You 1
    The Basement 4
    Wasted Childhood 6