Is this not love


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This is a poem for my first love and even though distance has taken him away. in my heart he will forever stay...

Is this not love

If love wasn't a word
what would it be
I know its the representation of you and me
If distance was'nt so cruel
Dreams wouldn't be the only thing i have of you
And if sometimes my heart chooses to ache
Is it foolish of me to accept the pain
Crying never solved a thing
Compaining never gets you far
But the strength from the feeling in my heart
Keeps me pushing on
If I had to do it again
I would never refuse
There is nothing like the feeling
you let me feel
Every day a memory
Pops up in my mind
Like that time your Grandma
Asked if i was your girl
And I had to deny
But i knew from before that day
You had to be mine
I wish i could reverse the hands of time
Take back all the foolish Mistakes
So on this day instead of writing this poem
You'd be in my face
Smiling at me, then a hug and a kiss
I'd say i love you baby
Isn't that what love is?
Not the word No
All these feelings
I said i'd love you forever
And i mean it
I wish I could take away all your  troubles and pain
But I'll just have to wait
For God to make a way
I know, Just like you do too
There is no better person in this world but me for you
I truly mean this with all my heart
But i guess you already knew that from the start
Mr.Banana, your love in its Hidden Form
And there is nothing more that i can ask for
that you haven't shown....

                     Love you....

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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Nataly’s Poems (25)

Title Comments
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