

  • Loss


    The pages of life keep turning its pages.
    The dust settles on the world of time.
    People grow close than farther away.
    And when you thought it couldnt get any worse
    The devil laughs at you, becuase this is only the beginning.
    Who would of ever thought?
    This is the beginning of the rest of your death.
    The devil whispers in your ear,
    This is going to hurt.
    Oh yes, this is gonna hurt.
    Laughing at your destruction.
    Counter-clockwise in the pages of your demise.

    The hands of time strangle the life from me.
    And the world turns and turns again
    No one will ever know within
    The violent storms, the debris in my minds plea.
    I no longer hope, or dream.
    I live now only in an extreme scream.
    With tears of recall, and they fall.
    Oh yes, my tears do fall.
    The devil sees his plans have worked.
    And he is hanging around.
    Right now hes digging that six foot hole in the ground.
    He smiles and laughs and he grins.
    That hes executed his flawless wins.

    I have to close my blue eyes now.
    The world is an ugly place now, i vow.
    I dont want to breath anymore.
    I just want to leave this war.
    I dont have the strenght to fight.
    I cant wait out the lenght of the night.
    All I wanted was your love.
    But your just not the same.
    You said you loved me once.
    But now I dont even know your name.
    The pages of life keep turning its pages.
    In stages ive been dying in dark cages.
    The dust ages on the world of time.
    And I am not alive anymore.

    Poem Comments


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    LadyIntellect commented on Hopeless



    libra46 commented on Hopeless


    This is a very heartfelt poem and I am feeling your pain . Please don't give up on your writing poetry , you are very good and have the talent to do very well.

    spazrocks420 commented on Hopeless


    dude i know i cant really say much but it might feel like your world is crashing down but its not :)

    setter commented on Hopeless


    The more I wrote the better I felt, you need to keep writing as much as possible. I agree 100% with Dahlusion, you need to change your thought process. I loved the poem but hang in there it will get better. In the past 4 years I have written aprox. 700 poems and I know its what got me through it.

    dahlusion commented on Hopeless


    I am sorry your are so emotionally hurt. All of our emotional pain comes from our thoughts. Change your method of thinking and over time new thoughts will cleanse and purify the soul.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    allenjermy’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Disconnected 1
    Can I be me? 4
    Angel Is Gone (revised) 2
    Hopeless (revised) 2
    Fireflies 2
    Obsolete 1
    snuff 4
    Hopeless 10
    HATE 5
    Stay 12
    Dont 2
    Never Say Goodbye 15
    Good Bye 6
    Angel Is Gone 12