

  • Lost Love


    Dont you sit there and watch me fall apart.
    You break my face.
    To go with my broken heart.

    Dont you sit there and tell me to try.
    When your the one who made me cry.
    And you critizise me with lies in your eyes.

    Dont you sit there and tell me its going to be ok.
    Because you dont know what else to say.
    Your the one who made it this way.

    Dont you sit there and tell me how to be.
    When your the one that completly destroyed me.
    Your solar words are burning me.

    Dont you sit there and tell me how much you love.
    Because you have no idea of
    Our love, you say is just not enough.

    Dont you sit there and watch me fall apart.
    You break my face.
    To go with my broken heart.

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    Bwyn commented on Dont


    Such a sad panda. I feel your pain man I do..

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    allenjermy’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Disconnected 1
    Can I be me? 4
    Angel Is Gone (revised) 2
    Hopeless (revised) 2
    Fireflies 2
    Obsolete 1
    snuff 4
    Hopeless 10
    HATE 5
    Stay 12
    Dont 2
    Never Say Goodbye 15
    Good Bye 6
    Angel Is Gone 12