Hopeless (revised)


  • Love

    Hopeless (revised)

    The pages of life keep turning its pages.
    The dust settles on the world of time.
    People grow close than farther away.
    And when you thought it couldnt get any worse
    The devil laughs at you, becuase this is only the beginning.
    Who would of ever thought?
    This is the beginning of the rest of your death.
    The devil whispers in your ear,
    This is gonna to hurt.
    Oh yes, this is gonna hurt.
    Laughing at your destruction.
    Counter-clockwise in the pages of your demise.

    The hands of time strangle the life from me.
    And the world turns and turns again
    No one will ever know whats within
    The violent storms. The debris in my mind.
    I no longer hope, or dream.
    I live now only in a hopeless scream.
    With tears of recall, and they fall.
    Oh yes, my tears do fall.
    The devil sees his plans have worked.
    And he's hanging around.
    Right now he's digging that hole in the ground.
    He smiles and laughs and he grins.
    That he's executed his flawless wins.

    I have to close my blue eyes now.
    Wow,The world is an ugly place now.
    I dont want to breath anymore.
    I just want to leave this war.
    I dont have the strenght to fight.
    I cant even wait out the lenght of the night.
    All I wanted was your love.
    But your just not the same.
    You said you loved me once.
    But now I dont even know your name.
    The pages of life keep turning its pages.
    In little stages Ive been dying in dark cages.
    The dust ages on the world of time...
    And I am not alive anymore.

    ..........................Don Folks @ copywrite TM 2009.................

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    valelisha commented on Hopeless (revised)


    "With tears of recall" Love that phrase, I've been there. Those tears hurt the most...But, as long as you have breath, things can change. I know, I've gone through it.

    poett commented on Hopeless (revised)


    This is a very strong feeling but I understand it cause I have gone through turmoil all through my life. I know the feeling of feeling the world is ending and sometimes you feel you will collapse in the walls around you too. You end up feeling confused not knowing if you should blame others for your pain or if you're to blame. Its hard being in the dark but hang in there because at the end everything falls back into place. I enjoyed reading your work.... check mine anytime

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    allenjermy’s Poems (14)

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