

  • Love


    From the moment you entered my presence,
    to the moment we depart,
    I've longed for your bear-hugging arms to embrace my body parts.

    You stated good things come to those who wait,
    I caught the character of patience with faith as my bait.

    My fulfilled desire to converse with you day after day,
    Has given me strength during this extended time, with plenty left to say.

    We possess something internally special is what I feel,
    I prolong the time of intamacy, with you knowing what is real.

    Once you inform me that I am the only one,
    That would be the perfect key to unlolcking my mind, my body, my soul to you undone.

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    GodsChild’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Typical Saturday in the Country 3
    Intangible Woman 2
    Foes of Ones' Household 5
    Joel; The Apple of God's Eye. 1
    My Prayer 1
    What I Want From You 5
    Herachio 0
    My Desire 2
    Hell! Hell! 4