Typical Saturday in the Country


  • Childhood

    Typical Saturday in the Country

    Sun illuminate through
    the window, looking to see if vegetables
    peep through the ground we planted yesterday
    around the same time,
    my mom is cooking breakfast containing eggs, bacon, and
    hot pancakes making,
    our bed
    to the garden we fled
    to get the task
    done, pulled the choking weed,
    to my father I plead,
    if we could could quit before noon,
    sweat pouring my face as if I been chasing the moon,
    birds chirp, shining stars, Is this labor in vain?
    It's driving me insane
    put the gear in rewind,
    I had to remind my father
    church in the AM,
    had to meet at the atrium,
    to recite the bible verse I rehearsed the night before.
    Permitted to take a shower, in the bed an hour,
    to get some rest,
    ready to give my Sunday's best.

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    loyalpoet commented on Typical Saturday in the Country


    I just want to say that you know how to your words together and say what needs to be heard. Thank you for you inspiration.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    GodsChild’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Typical Saturday in the Country 3
    Intangible Woman 2
    Foes of Ones' Household 5
    Joel; The Apple of God's Eye. 1
    My Prayer 1
    What I Want From You 5
    Herachio 0
    My Desire 2
    Hell! Hell! 4