

  • Scorpia
  • trust everyone, get no one, get nothing


Guilt is a chain that connects you to your past. You try to walk away, but the chain yanks you back and you remember what you did wrong.
You think about what you should've and could've but didn't.

Guilt is an annoying itch at the back of your throat. Unable to see, unable to reach, unable to cure. You try to ignore it, but it comes back. To bug you.
You think about what you should've and could've but didn't.

Guilt is a feeling, a force that overcomes you and throws you back into the past. So you can think about what you did, and feel sorry for yourself.
You think about what you should've and could've but didn't.

Guilt is always there. You just don't know it. It's just the matter of you mind power, your will power.

To overcome or not to overcome, that is the question.

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peacefully commented on Guilt


Scorpia, you described it so very well. It is torment. However, I would like for you to read a poem that I submitted last week. It is named FORGIVENESS. It may help you to find peace in this matter. We can't do it on our own. Excellant poem.

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

Scorpia’s Poems (45)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Flowery Tomb 1
To Go On 0
Like Feathers 0
Frozen Memories 0
One Day 0
Temptations 0
Beautiful Lie 0
Human Plague 0
一个人走 1
Love of Music 0
Reflection 1
Love Line 1
Attention 0
Someday 0
Hope 0
End of My World 0
The Hunt 1
Fallen Angel 1
The Faerie's Mortal Lover 1
Alone 1
Unforgotten Pain 0
Hidden Feelings 3
Life 3
Towards 2
Night in the Meadows 0
Falling 2
Rejoice 1
Don't Lie 0
The Look of Death 0
Just Look 1
Guilt 1
The Fight 1
Day and Night 1
Two Different Worlds 1
Baby 1
The Eye of the Storm 1
The World and Life 1
Nonsense Poem: Toast 2
Reflect Poem- The End 0
Haiku: Nature 1
Bad Apple 1
Burning 3
King 1
Running Free 1
Nonsense Poem of Hobbies 1