Even Now


  • Sadness

    Poem Commentary

    If anyone has ever been in a fight with someone they love, they will fully understand the meaning of this.

    Even Now

    Even now

    I know

    He was sad to see the droplets go-

    With diplomacy,

    And the velvet purse.


    Even now

    As I wonder, if he too is sitting

    At that table

    For several hour-long minutes

    Every cell inside silently crying

    With a choke dry throat

    And distinctly deserted eyes.


    Even now

    The coldness of the room

    Possessing us like stone specters

    Still haunted

    By the dull ache between memories.

    The abandonment of that one-

    Moment before

    Steeped deeply in clarified contrast

    With the next.


    Even now

    As I-

    Stare dully down

    The length of exposed inner flesh-

    Without any way to find expression-

    In open disbelief

    That those small sharp words

    Could some how pierce through

    The worn armor of callus common sense

    To reveal that soft, sacred place, too sensitive to touch-

    That place- which remembers:


    Even now

    We both know

    What we did not know

    Until the edge of the blade

    Was thrown from our tongues

    How the wounds would rend-

    And what kind of cruel chasm they would create.


    Even now

    The numbness of old Rum

    Will not anesthetize the taste of sorrow.


    -And it does not help

    To know


    Even now

    Though separate

    We sip the same

    Dank bitter drink- together

    As lovers will-

    In equal irony

    Poem Comments


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    train64 commented on Even Now


    I have been in that cold room have sipped the dank bitter drink and..only wished that i could write of it this magnificently. A true talent. ....Grasshopper



    Oh, how I wish I never knew it myself... but then we are the composite of our experience... This is how we learn compassion -through suffering.

    LenaM commented on Even Now


    God it's as if you've seen the scars on my soul and given them the words that fail me . You simply amaze me with your commanding prose that draws me in and has the ability to make me believe you've looked into this battle weary heart of mine !!



    I am so very glad that you think so Lena. As I have said many times before, it is important to me what you and Tender and blvd. think.

    blvdobd2009 commented on Even Now


    God u have a powerful way off making chilling truth warm and freeze souls all at once...I can so relate to common sense being completely null in void when I needed it the most in the heat of what I wanted...beautiful and real...choose life

    irreverent commented on Even Now


    I am in love with this poem...you've expressed so clearly and beautifully, one of the most subtle and painful of pains. excellent, excellent writing. I won't insult it with my (10) :)



    You never insult me :-)

    dahlusion commented on Even Now


    "Even now The numbness of old Rum Will not anesthetize the taste of sorrow"—brilliant! such a lovely poem of loss.



    And it did not anesthetize the taste of sorrow...

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    shallenemcgrath’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
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    New Orleans 12
    Lost Boys -Rewrite 1/29/11 9
    Lost Boys 15
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    Kerouac’s Shotgun 20
    Even Now 14
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