Will O' the Whisp


  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    Okay, okay even I write love poems...

    Will O' the Whisp



    It is a strange magnetic talent- of mine

    These days-

    That I walk- dry

    As dust


    Not unlike parchment without pen,

    A lifeless wooden wren,


    Or the fallen winter leaves

    Tossed singularly

    Down the streets

    And through the Alleys



    Mind- spun to any plotted course

    On an iron pointed compass


    Feet- set upon the concrete

    Following the road where it goes

    Drifting any way the wind blows

    Turning and turning


    - Only

    To turn once more


    And find myself

    In the clouds


    Staring at your door


    The soft ghost of your bed

    Filling my head.


    Unspoken or said -I suppose

    Any Lover knows

    The Body

    -Only follows

    Where the will

    Of the Heart goes

    Poem Comments


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    train64 commented on Will O' the Whisp


    Walk dry as dust. ..mind spun..to any plotted course on an iron pointed compass..wonderful metaphors..a pleasure for the mind.



    Any Body knows that it only follow the will of the heart.

    ginga commented on Will O' the Whisp


    shallen, I love this poem and the reason why is beciuse the last stanza's epiphany like announcement swept me emotionally. ginga



    Yes ginga, you have it right, but you don't get the full irony until you look up Will O the Wisp. A light in a forest which tricks the follower into believing they are being led out of the woods when in actuality they are being led deeper into the woods.

    Pascaliwhite commented on Will O' the Whisp


    I love you poem that speak of an eternal glow. You are truly a gifted and wonderful poet. I followed a thread without knowing what I would find. I found a treasure. Thank You



    I'll take a look at your work too. :-)

    dahlusion commented on Will O' the Whisp


    The magical muse most move "Down the streets And through the Alleys" only to lead us to ourselves, to the destination that is always us "The soft ghost // Where the will Of the Heart goes" Bravo on this heavenly write. Peace and Light, dah



    many thanks Dah. I always think of the best works of art as collaborations. We have an idea and we try our best to interpret the idea with some divine force, and then when we let go... It belongs to the audience at large. One hopes there is enough open space for the reader to latch on and take a ride.

    kdarcy commented on Will O' the Whisp


    A most excellent write, you are fast becoming one of the many great talents here at OP ... I would hope to count myself among the greats one day, but for now ... I enjoy my own gentle sway and small but growing audience. I enjoyed that very much, be well k



    Kdarcy, thank you for that. I am glad that you enjoyed the read. I hope it inspires... as others have inspired me.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    shallenemcgrath’s Poems (12)

    Title Comments
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    The Crooked Road 19
    New Orleans 12
    Lost Boys -Rewrite 1/29/11 9
    Lost Boys 15
    The Shirt 14
    Femme Fatale` 16
    Kerouac’s Shotgun 20
    Even Now 14
    Will O' the Whisp 17
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