Counting Coyotes


Poem Commentary

Coyote- the trickster- is a Native American symbol for Change. Think Loki, or Hermes. Recommended reading, Trickster Makes This World: How Disruptive Imagination Creates Culture, by Lewis Hyde. ISBN 9781847672254

Counting Coyotes

I went to sleep last night counting coyotes...

At 3 a.m. I awoke to find Coyote standing on my chest smiling down at me

His panting breath, Rasping

a sand storm of shifting dunes

A-crossed a desert
of Change
A dust-devil twirling within the confines of an hourglass…

I could see my dark reflection drifting in the raven wing of his onyx eyes.

I went into the kitchen thirsty-
In the dim light I drank
As if I had spent the night


On plateaus.

I took the glass into my room and threw up the sash
I swallowed
The moon
Bathed me
In bed
I turned-
A fevered soul
In wordless sheets.

The next day In class we had a lesson-

On counting coyotes.

All problems were
Absent of anything constant

But, they were full of identical variables.

I was called to the frontline to formulate a solution
On the Cartesian plane of Descartes dreams and desert mesas.

Peripherally distracted
My concentration scattered
By philosophical dust devils
For, there, Bespectacled among my classmates was


He bared his teeth wryly at me.

Then again at noon,
As I sat in the inert vehicle
of my Meditative Expression,

I looked out the Windows,

And bless my Soul there, in the campus trees
Standing off in the distance was


Smiling mischievously.

Avoiding my most human nature I turned away.
I cracked open my book and within the Con of the text


assaulted me again.

I flipped the cover closed and Turned On the stereo
All it would play was


I sailed into the drive through, and as I pulled up to pay-
There smiling in a white paper hat was


He reached out and handed me my Just Dessert,
Along with my

At the bank, he was just in front of me in line.
Trying to avoid him,
I Walked to the Machine,
The Teller took forever Counting out


At the movies the usher let him in through the back door
He sat behind me and I could feel his breath panting on the back of my neck.

At home I Turned On The nightly news and there before the weather map stood,


pointing like a hunting hound to the barometer.
I noted the high pressure.
The forecast called for a


In the weather.

My mind danced like a dust-devil,
My thoughts spinning
-a whirling wind in vane .

I clicked off
Rode my cycle to the nearest watering hole and ordered a shot of Whiskey.
But, when the bartender turned to reach for the bottle,
In the bar-back mirror, I could see that he was


Smiling at me.
The jukebox was


I abandoned the Lucky Dog Tavern,


The slick rain swept, obsidian street
-there in the Walk was a blind woman with her seeing-eye


Coyote was leading the woman into the traffic
With her raised cane-


She took out the headlight of a taxi.


the blind woman's cane-


The oncoming


The cane cracked the asphalt.
The blind woman's shades reflected
The blue neon


of the-

I Crossed

Lucky Dog.


The cane sliced though the air
Above the blind woman's head.

It took out the streetlight above me.

I was showered in pieces
Drifting fragments of filament.
As Coyote dragged the blind woman away

waving Chaotically



The Road
-my Cycle
to the other side of the Intersection
listening to the ozone hiss.

In the distance a Siren-


I looked up to see
A shooting Star
The sky

the Profound expression-

The sum of all coyotes
Is the difference
A streetlight
and the Moon.

Poem Comments


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train64 commented on Counting Coyotes


A captivating story from beginning to end. from whta little i know and i don't know if you wrotee this with the Native American in mind but it truly represents the mythical coyote, and the not so mythical. Both a creator of order out of chaos and a destroyer of order which represses creative energies, an animal being and a spiritual force, Coyote is contradictory and ambiguous, as can be seen in Barre Toelken's description of the Navajo conception of Coyote: "There is no possible distinction between Ma'i, the animal we recognize as a coyote in the fields, and Ma'i, the personification of Coyote power in all coyotes, and Ma'i, the character (trickster, creator, and buffoon) in legends and tales, and Mai, the symbolic character of disorder in the myths. Ma'i is not a composite but a complex; a Navajo would see no reason to distinguish separate aspects"



YES! exactly. I just called it change... Coyote represents a change in the status quo.

Shrin commented on Counting Coyotes


Shal... I loved it very much. The words "On the Cartesian plane of Descartes dreams and desert mesas. Peripherally distracted My concentration scattered By philosophical dust devils For, there, Bespectacled among my classmates was coyote" have made me smile. Keep writing.



Its all about change Shrin... we don't want to, but it is inevitable.

WordSlinger commented on Counting Coyotes


This is a fascinating write, it reminds me to do my study on amimals more, because I have so many ideas in my head. I think this would make a great short film, with the right director, thanks for the imagery, and all, ty WS



I am so glad that you SEE it- that you have experienced it through the images. That is something I really try to capture. To use words to create imagery. -I think that sometimes I would rather the meaning take a backseat to the image. A couple of people on this post nailed me for that... and they are absolutely right. I have always thought of myself as a narrative poet. I should learn to hone my craft a bit. RH is after me for that... and he has every right to be. And WordSlinger I should be thanking you and Ginga and the others that run the site. This is a great forum and some wonderful exposure. So ty to you for all your hard work. If you are inspired to write something off of this, please PM me and let me know if you post it. It is a read I would not want to miss. -Shallene (shuleen)

dahlusion commented on Counting Coyotes


Those shape-shifters really no how to get under a girls skin—the coyote is their favorite. Peace and light, dah



Dah-that Change/Coyote thing really got under my skin alright! I was so happy sitting in my little pigsty of status quo.

StandingBear commented on Counting Coyotes


A highly interesting Native, coyote story variation pertaining to excellent free verse poetry. Nice writing style! Bear



Back at you- you really caught me up in your one about the Harleys. Why I can see coyote in sunglasses with a red bandanna hogging down the highway. -heh! Anyway, I would expect a man with the handle "StandingBear" would get this ;-). I'm just a visitor to Native American Myths. I read a book about Coyote. However, interestingly enough, just before reading your poetry I watched a documentary on Trudell. What a powerhouse that guy is! Philosophy and Art!

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

shallenemcgrath’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
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