

  • Family
  • ,
  • Love
  • ,
  • Life



    He was there at the airport

    of our colorful Brazilian hometown.

    His eyes had aged

    And his fine, thinning hair

    had been tinted

    by the white of time.

    His gestures were small

    and complacent.

    I knew him for so long

    And so intently

    Yet I could say nothing.

    To tell him

    I loved him

    Wouldn’t suffice.

    Half of my life

    I have been gone…

    His embrace felt both

    Awkward and comforting.

    But it was the familiar sound

    of his voice that made me cry.

    So I said a faded good bye

    once again.

    And my father was left standing

    Among other family members,

    behind the glass wall and the magnetometer.

    He stood there vigilant and contrite

    Until I couldn’t see him any longer.

    Now we were father

    and daughter apart.

    The secret of our exposed love,


    And the weight of my heart

    Was so intense that

    Almost kept the plane

    from taking flight.


    Sandra Lira Rodrigues

    Poem Comments


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    HarverTomsson commented on Departure


    Well written poem of tenderness and permanence in a sea of change.

    bluewolf commented on Departure


    Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~Author Unknown Having lost my father in 1995, this poem is a wonderful reminder of the times we had together and the depth of love he showed me each and every day of his life. Was life perfect-no; nor is it as a whole. But the love of a father is a special gift. Thank you for reminding us of this.



    Yes, Bluewolf, the love of a father is indeed a very special gift. The truth is I miss my father more so every day, for I know our time is elapsing faster than we would wish. Life might not be perfect, but I'm glad it gave me a chance to reconect with my father and to realize how much we love each other despite living so far apart... Thank you for your candid comment and sorry for your loss! Love, Sandra

    jyothi commented on Departure


    Beautiful feeling more old we grow more affection we have of parents.

    Hampton commented on Departure


    A beautiful write full of feeling. You write very well. Excellent.



    Dear Hampton, your comment humbles me... TY from the bottom of my heart!

    Dano commented on Departure


    a nice touching story... very nicely written... thank you for sharing



    Thank you for taking the time to read it and leave a comment! Have a nice day! sandra

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    mariadapoesia’s Poems (24)

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