The War Crossed My Path


Poem Commentary

To SPC. Daniel C. Lawson from Deerfield Beach , killed in Afghanistan, Oct.2009. He was a member of our community: a teacher, a father and a pastor. Another irreplaceable war casualty.

The War Crossed My Path


A sunny day, a loud siren, a solemn pain:

The war crossed my path,

a fallen hero was laid to rest

His hopes and dreams buried with him,

My faith enduring another test.

I saw the procession going by,

I heard the sirens cry

As in my heart I repeatedly asked why...

Why does the war need to invade our homes,

tear our world, parade our streets?

Violent deaths washing back in our shores:

Our sons,

Our brothers,

Our blood in scarlet spill.

No thrills.

Just anguish deeply, deeply ripping through the soul.

The war crossed my path.

Another hero was put to rest

leaving behind  so much more  than sorrow,

his young family to face a frail tomorrow

I’ll never forget the way the war met me that day…

I pray to God this soldier’s death wasn’t in vain.




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Hampton commented on The War Crossed My Path


A poem that challenges mankind to look anew at the human cost of war. Very very nice.

kage commented on The War Crossed My Path


this is a great poem for a fallen soldier. i been at war three times and guess i was lucky the real heroes we left over there

MsKrystle commented on The War Crossed My Path


Very touching. I think some have forgotten there are still troops over there fighting this war. We get so consumed with our daily lives and forget about them because its not headline news in the news anymore. This poem really makes you think. Some dont think about it until it lands on your front step

Mareann commented on The War Crossed My Path


Wow-- what abeautiful tribute to our fallen heroes. they mean so much to us, I too hope their deaths are iare in vain--- I have written several tributes to our troops you might like to read, thanks for sharing, Mary



TY, Mary! It's always painful to face the reality of war. I pray for our soldiers, that they may be strong in battle. I'll certainly read your tribute too. Thanks!

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

mariadapoesia’s Poems (24)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Departure 5
Death 6
Triste Poema Patrio 1
Definindo 1
Mareio 0
Crente 2
Desabrochar 0
Impossivel 1
Outside 3
Summer 2
The secret 3
The War Crossed My Path 4
Confession 0
Beautiful 0
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Daniel 3
Last Song 4
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By the River 4
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Motion 2
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Light 1