

  • Hope
  • ,
  • Life
  • ,
  • Death

    Poem Commentary

    Death is always ready to meet you. Are you ready to meet death?


    Many are already gone:

    I recall the face and the gestures of each one

    Some I loved for they were my blood

    Others I met along the way:

    Neighbors, friends, acquaintances old and new.

    And they are gone.

    They have closed their eyes, said farewell to dreams and nightmares

    To the flesh, to their pain, disappointments and plans.

    They are gone.

    One day I too will be gone

    I and my loved ones.

    And though so little I know about death and what it holds

    My faith makes me believe

    That I will not need to fear

    When my final breath I take:

    Jesus my lord to heaven will carry me on.

    Streets of gold, Crystal Sea

    A celestial mansion he is keeping for me

    A day of glory reserved for the end of my story,

    only be the beginning of a eternal journey…


    Poem Comments


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    jyothi commented on Death


    Death's known truth and awesome expression of ideas.

    Hampton commented on Death


    Nicely done. Bringing death out of the darkness through ones faith and sharing it with others through a poem is what expression is all about.

    bluewolf commented on Death


    “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” Life is a gift of wonder, a magical journey limited to one lifetime; or so many believe. The aftermath of our existence can either continue, given the faith of Christianity or be questionable for others. Whether one accepts the passage from this world to eternity within the kingdom of Heaven, the life we have here should never be squandered or left unfilled.



    Bluewolf, my philosophy in this life is "live like you're dying", so to experience a life with no regrets. However my faith in Jesus and his beautiful heaven keeps me motivated and looking forward to what's to come, as I believe the caterpilar looks forward to the day it will become a butterfly. Thank you for your reading and your beautiful comment! I really appreciate it! Sandra

    jademelissa74 commented on Death


    Death; a word or state that many fear...A gentle tribute to those whose souls have departed from this earth. I love the passion in which you write your poems Maria. Continue to explore your imagination and share it with us. God bless~

    daughterofnyx commented on Death


    beautifuly written. i think many ppl can connect to this poem.

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    mariadapoesia’s Poems (24)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Vazante 0
    Departure 5
    Death 6
    Triste Poema Patrio 1
    Definindo 1
    Mareio 0
    Crente 2
    Desabrochar 0
    Impossivel 1
    Outside 3
    Summer 2
    The secret 3
    The War Crossed My Path 4
    Confession 0
    Beautiful 0
    The Bird 1
    Daniel 3
    Last Song 4
    Selfish 2
    By the River 4
    Elegy (To Pedro Bulfon) 2
    Motion 2
    Rescue 2
    Light 1